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 The crystal properties outlined below are not exhaustive and are intended as a general guide only, use them to help find your own inner truth.  Follow your own intuition and discover what crystal resonates with you. 


Body & Mind: high blood pressure,  heart palpitations, vertigo, headaches, psychosomatic ails

Spirit: peace, compassion, love, comfort, communication, beauty

Chakra: solar plexus, heart, throat

Element: water



Body & Mind: bone, liver, intestinal, bowel, and pancreatic issues, chronic fatigue syndrome

Spirit: protection, courage, stability, balance, clarity

Chakra: auric

Element: earth​



Body & Mind: breasts, throat, thyroid, nerves, and spine issues, illness recovery, overall well being

Spirit: purification, romance, truth, communication, harmony 

Chakra, heart, throat

Element: water



Body & Mind: toothache, gallstones, depression, anxiety, addiction, supports fertility and childbirth

Spirit: peace, psychic ability, sobriety, stability, healing

Chakra: solar plexus 

Element: earth



Body & Mind: insomnia, nightmares, migraines, headaches, addictions, hyperactivity, all round healer

Spirit: intellect, aura cleansing, protection, purification, divine connection, tranquillity, contentment

Chakra: third eye, crown, auric

Element: air, water



Body & Mind: chronic fatigue system, side effects of prolonged, invasive treatments, mental clarity

Spirit: serenity, gentle self-expression

Chakra: solar plexus, crown

Element: air, fire



Body & Mind: infections, indigestion, thyroid imbalance, nervous rashes, internal parasites

Spirit: kindness, friendship, serenity, calm, healing, angelic communication

Chakra: throat, third eye, crown

Element: air



Body & Mind: brittle bones, hypertension, children’s growth, jaw, metabolism, heart valves

Spirit: peace, compassion, love, comfort, revitalisation, relaxation 

Chakra: heart, throat, third eye

Element: water, earth



Body & Mind: asthma, cystic fibrosis, hay fever, emphysema, eczema; poor circulation

Spirit: self identity, intuition, communication with higher planes, astral travel

Chakra: crown, third eye

Element: air, earth



Body & Mind: throat infections, voice loss, body and mouth odour, cystitis, sunburn, oral care

Spirit: communication, confidence, comfort, courage

Chakra: throat, heart

Element: water



Body & Mind: irregular heartbeat, dyslexia, dyspraxia, cerebral palsy, hay fever, eye health

Spirit: confidence, healing, prosperity, abundance, growth,  vitality

Chakra: heart

Element: water, earth



Body & Mind: nosebleeds, blood disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, menstruation, menopause

Spirit: serenity, courage,  strength, purification, vitality 

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: all round healer; detoxification, weight loss, eye, intestinal, and bone health

Spirit: creativity, grounding, balance, healing, sexuality, playfulness, confidence

Chakra: sacral, solar plexus

Element: fire



Body & Mind: female fertility, artificial insemination, menstrual and menopausal symptoms

Spirit: angelic communication, astral travel, courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence

Chakra: root, sacral, solar plexus

Element: fire



Body & Mind: thyroid, eye, ear, throat, and mouth issues, intestinal parasites, fever, depression

Spirit: harmony, serenity, angelic communication, access to higher planes

Chakra: third eye, crown, auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: headaches, wounds, dairy product allergies, insomnia, supports breasts & milk flow

Spirit: protection, harmony, balance, stability

Chakra: throat, third eye

Element: earth



Body & Mind: all round healer; mineral deficiencies, skin and cell support, mental clarity

Spirit: success, abundance, healing, purification

Chakra: auric

Element: earth



Body & Mind: skin and liver issues, allergies, nausea, fibromyalgia, bed wetting, mental clarity

Spirit: balance, creativity, healing, manifestation, willpower 

Chakra: root, sacral, solar plexus

Element: fire



Body & Mind: stiff and swollen joints, rheumatism, arthritis, infertility, weight loss

Spirit: balance, grounding, channelling higher vibrations, amplifies energies of other crystals 

Chakra: auric

Element: water



Body & Mind: prostrate and testicular issues, panic attacks, claustrophobia, travel sickness

Spirit: intuition, grounding, perseverance, dedication, confidence

Chakra: root, third eye, crown

Element: air



Body & Mind: bronchitis, backache, cramps, colds, flu, jaundice, multiple sclerosis, anxiety

Spirit: vitality, stability, willpower, courage, prosperity, strength

Chakra: heart

Element: fire



Body & Mind: angina, fever, infertility, childbirth, asthma, bronchitis, respiratory complaints, epilepsy

Spirit: peace, love, compassion, healing, abundance 

Chakra: heart

Element: water



Body & Mind: cell regeneration, mineral absorption, lung conditions, exhaustion, mental clarity

Spirit: purification, self reflection, self healing

Chakra: auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: carpal tunnel syndrome, spinal alignment, eczema, rashes, skin allergies, insomnia

Spirit: health, creativity, internal fire

Chakra: heart

Element: air



Body & Mind: wounds and cuts, colds, flu, blood clots, haemophilia, gallstones, sexual potency, libido

Spirit: intuition, grounding, healing, self value, strength, security

Chakra: root, heart

Element: earth



Body & Mind: master healer, amplifies energies of other crystals

Spirit: power, prosperity, success, fidelity, aura cleansing, harmony, balance

Chakra: auric

Element: earth



Body & Mind: arthritis, joint pain, stomach disorders, dizziness, poor circulation, metabolism

Spirit: self value, self confidence, self love, willpower, protection

Chakra: root, sacral

Element: fire, earth



Body & Mind: feet, ankles, legs, spine, and bowel health, constipation, post-traumatic stress disorder

Spirit: creativity, self value, purification, aura cleansing, psychic, energy transferrance

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: blood disorders, fatigue, jet lag, iron deficiency, exhaustion

Spirit: grounding, manifestation, connection of the spiritual and physical realms

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: sinusitis, migraines, water retention, infections, chemical imbalance

Spirit: purification, healing, self love, personal empowerment

Chakra: heart, sacral

Element: earth



Body & Mind: weight loss, hormonal imbalance, respiratory conditions, detoxification

Spirit: purification, self love, healing of the heart

Chakra: heart, sacral

Element: earth



Body & Mind: patience, oral care, supports hair, nails, spine, bones, calcium absorption, lactation 

Spirit: calm, serenity, communication, past life regression

Chakra: auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: cystitis, fluid retention, bed wetting, respiratory diseases, endometriosis, burns

Spirit: love, fidelity, generosity, abundance, health

Chakra: heart

Element: earth



Body & Mind: arthritis, menstruation symptoms, exhaustion, anaemia, childbirth

Spirit: supreme nurturer, peace, comfort, protection, balance, creativity

Chakra: root, sacral

Element: earth



Body & Mind: puberty, female reproduction, poor circulation,  heart health, restful sleep for infants

Spirit: divine love, emotional healing, heart connections

Chakra: heart

Element: water



Body & Mind: supports cells, tissues, throat, neurological system, voice

Spirit: connecting with nature, telepathy, empathy, psychic ability, past life regression

Chakra: throat, third eye, auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: bronchitis, colds, indigestion, brain disorders, lice, gout, menstrual symptoms

Spirit: confidence, fortuity, protection, transformation, intuition, etheral

Chakra: auric

Element: water, air



Body & Mind: supports endocrine & nervous systems, lymph glands, bone marrow, ears

Spirit: communication, inner vision, divine guidance

Chakra: third eye, throat

Element: water, air



Body & Mind: chronic skin conditions, lethargy, detoxification, infertility, sexual dysfunction

Spirit: stability, grounding, peace, balance

Chakra: root

Element: fire, earth



Body & Mind: nerve related disorders, joint pain, mental tension, immune system health

Spirit: emotional healing, serenity, peace, purification, balance

Chakra: heart, third eye, auric

Element: water



Body & Mind: muscle aches, cramps, impotence, bowel conditions, eye health, mental clarity

Spirit: fortuity, love, protection, self discovery, intuition

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: arthritis, tumours, torn muscles, broken bones, sinusitis, immune disorders, oral health

Spirit: leadership, creativity, confidence, protection

Chakra: solar plexus, heart

Element: fire



Body & Mind: menstruation symptoms, supports ovaries, womb, breasts, hormones, pregnancy

Spirit: intuition, protection, empathy, mystery, self discovery, insight, dream work, the Goddess 

Chakra: third eye, crown

Element: water



Body & Mind: allergies, diabetes, insomnia, supports pancreas and kidneys

Spirit: confidence, unconditional love, angelic communication, self expression, knowledge

Chakra: heart

Element: earth



Body & Mind: all round healer, malfunctions of nervous system, enhances memory and sex drive

Spirit: courage, protection, self love, self empowerment

Chakra: root, crown, auric

Element: earth



Body & Mind: supports circulation, arteries, and bowel, emotional healing after trauma

Spirit: psychic protection, grounding, purification, aura cleansing, contact with higher realms

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: earaches and infections, nausea, supports cells, nails, skin, hair, stamina, and balance

Spirit: protection, grounding, dream work, spiritual vision, willpower, self control, focus, strength

Chakra: root, solar plexus, third eye

Element: earth



Body & Mind: dementia, fluid imbalances, supports fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, breasts

Spirit: inspiration, creativity, intuition, personal empowerment, courage, prophecy, prosperity

Chakra: crown

Element: earth, water



Body & Mind: infectious diseases, supports cell renewal, adrenaline flow, and metabolism

Spirit: purification, perception, psychic ability

Chakra: crown

Element: water



Body & Mind: nausea, fluid imbalances, bloating, PMS, tumours, supports skin, fertility, ovaries

Spirit: calm, purification, charity, truth, wisdom, balance

Chakra: auric

Element: water



Body & Mind: eye health, increases the effectiveness of other medications and treatments

Spirit: balance, compassion, prosperity, health

Chakra: heart, solar plexus

Element: earth



Body & Mind: back and hip pain, allergies, hay fever, broken limbs, and recurrent illnesses, patience

Spirit: grounding, success, past life recall, inner peace, strength, growth

Chakra: root, third eye

Element: earth



Body & Mind: nerve damage, brain chemical imbalances, genetic disorders, auto-immune diseases

Spirit: purification, growth, high vibration, energy transfer, amplifies energies of other crystals

Chakra: third eye, crown, soul star

Element: spirit



Body & Mind: upper respiratory, heart & thyroid ailments, abdominal issues, insomnia

Spirit: hope, healing, spirituality, past life regression

Chakra: heart, third eye

Element: air, earth



Body & Mind: detoxifications, phobias, supports testes, ovaries, endocrine system, lungs, DNA, cells

Spirit: strength, self confidence, protection, healing, peace, spirituality

Chakra: crown

Element: fire



Body & Mind: colds, flu, digestion, diseased bones, blood disorders, anaemia

Spirit: masculine energy, vitality, willpower, creativity, manifestation, confidence

Chakra: solar plexus

Element: earth



Body & Mind: heals and energise the body, amplifies and can substitute for any other crystal

Spirit: amplification of one's intention, magnification of ambient energies, purification, healing

Chakra: auric

Element: air 



Body & Mind: tissue inflammation, cellular disorders, brain malfunction, strokes, tumours

Spirituality: empowers other crystals, high energy, master crystal, aura cleansing, manifestation

Chakra: auric

Element: all



Body & Mind: insect bites, wounds, scar tissue, ulcers, anxiety, auto-immune and lung conditions

Spirit: grace, elegance, altruism, discovering hidden talents, compassion, empathy, love, generosity

Chakra: root, heart

Element: fire, earth



Body & Mind: stress related skin conditions, headaches, depression, supports genitalia, fertility

Spirit: unconditional love, opens the heart, romantic, self love, gentleness, emotional healing

Chakra: heart

Element: water



Body & Mind: supports circulation, heart, female fertility, male potency, pregnancy

Spirit: passion, courage, enthusiasm, protection, strength, life force, freedom 

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: bronchitis, asthma, transplants, transfusions, supports brain cell regeneration, veins

Spirit: attunement, amplification of one's intentions, strength, growth, acceleration, manifestation 

Chakra: auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: detoxification, blood disorders, dementia, degenerative diseases, speech, fever, Spirit:eye spiritual power, wisdom, prophecy, prosperity, communication, purification

Chakra: third eye, crown, soul star

Element: air



Body & Mind: impotence, chronic back pain, prostrate and bladder issues, kidney infections

Spirit: protection, happiness, optimism, confidence, inspiration, self control, healing

Chakra: third eye, crown

Element: fire



Body & Mind: supports blood cell regeneration, fertility, pregnancy, menstruation, boosts energy

Spirit: vitality, youthfulness, spirit guides, communication with higher self, angelic communication 

Chakra: third eye, crown

Element: air



Body & Mind: detoxification, supports digestion, hormones, circulation, fertility, speech

Spirit: manifestation attraction, balance, intuition, love, prosperity, fidelity, prosperity

Chakra: auric

Element: water



Body & Mind: kidney stones, insomnia, panic attacks, chronic pain, restores energy after illness

Spirit: grounding, negative energy transmutation, practicality, organisation, inspiration, ambition

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: flu, sinusitis, diarrhoea, recovery after sudden trauma, mental clarity and insight

Spirit: purification, protection, male to female energy balance, past life recall, spirit communication

Chakra: root, third eye

Element: earth



Body & Mind: menopause, high blood pressure, inflammation, enhances mental performance 

Spirit: inner vision, intuitive knowledge, access to the subconscious, deepened intuition

Chakra: third eye

Element: air 



Body & Mind: viruses, infections, dyslexia, autism, supports adrenal, pineal, and pituitary glands

Spirit: access to innermost thoughts, yearnings, and beliefs, 

Chakra: third eye, crown, soul star, auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: stomach ulcers, body odour, stress, phobias, supports prostrate, reproductive organs

Spirit: prosperity, abundance, fortuity, courage, leadership, manifestation, vitality, self empowerment

Chakra: sacral, solar plexus

Element: fire



Body & Mind: detoxification, immune function, promotes youthfulness, supports cell regeneration

Spirit: vitality, harmony of mind and heart, enhanced spiritual perception, success, truth

Chakra: heart, throat, third eye, crown, soul star

Element: air



Body & Mind: serotonin deficiency, tinnitus, supports hormones, kidneys, and childbirth

Spirit: self expression, love, communication, psychic abilities, passion, transformation

Chakra: third eye, crown, soul star

Element: fire



Body & Mind: sprains, rheumatism, ulcers, hormonal and chemical imbalance, addictions

Spirit: protection, grounding, vitality, strength, balance, integrity, practicality, fairness, justice

Chakra: root, sacral, solar plexus

Element: fire, earth



Body & Mind: supports metabolism, nervous system, gallbladder, hormones, and tissue regeneration

Spirit: communication, balance, joy, success, fortuity

Chakra: throat, third eye

Element: fire



Body & Mind: blocked arteries and heart valves, strokes, scars, lesions, growths, supports veins

Spirit: strength, clarity, purification, amplifies energy

Chakra: auric 

Element: air



Body & Mind: constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, coeliac disease, arthritis, sore muscles

Spirit:  purification, protection, channelling of energies, transformation

Chakra: root

Element: earth



Body & Mind: respiratory disorders, depression, issues of the brain, eyes, ears, neck, and throat

Spirit: sacred, master healer stone, abundance, enhanced spirituality, communication 

Chakra: throat

Element: air



Body & Mind: supports heart and lung function, circulation, fluid balance, metabolism, and nutrition

Spirit: relationships, perception,  healing, balance, higher attunement, patience, persistence

Chakra: heart, auric

Element: earth



Body & Mind: kidney, skin, and bone disorders, gallstones, heart irregularities, muscle spasms, stress

Spirit: nurturing, protection, grounding, energy stimulation, connection to Mother Earth,

Chakra: auric

Element: air



Body & Mind: detoxification, supports fertility, kidneys, liver, immune system, and restful sleep

Spirit: self love, enhanced spirituality, protection, enthusiasm, vitality

Chakra: root, solar plexus

Element: air







IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The material presented on the website of Healing Spirit® Australia is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to replace conventional or natural medicine, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or replace personal judgement or medical treatment.  Please respect that crystals are a form of life and are conscious living beings.

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